On March 8th Derek and I celebrated our 15th anniversary. It's crazy that it has been 15 years already! We went to Park City for the weekend and it was great to have a little break.
Can you see the ski slopes on the mountain? Derek really wants to go skiing again sometime soon!
The first night Derek and I stayed there with Chase, and the kids stayed with my mom. The next day we went and picked up the kids and brought them back with us for the rest of the weekend.
It was gorgeous up there!
On Saturday we headed to Provo to see this guy:
BYU played Wyoming and the game was great. We were excited to be able to see Jimmer play in person. Derek has been to several games this year, but the rest of us haven't. The only seats available were almost the very top of the Marriott Center, but it didn't matter. The game was sold out and the excitement in that arena was awesome. It was SO crowded though, and super hot up where we were sitting.

We had to feed Chase lunch during halftime, and then it was his naptime so we weren't sure what we would do. Luckily he ended up just falling asleep while Ethan was holding him, which really was amazing since it was sooooooooooo loud. He didn't sleep too long but it was enough to get him through.

The game was so much fun, I'm glad we were able to make it since they had such a great season!

After the game we took advantage of one of the gift certificates Derek got for his birthday and we went to Olive Garden for an early dinner. We hardly ever take the kids anywhere nice for dinner and they thorougly enjoyed it.
We then headed back to the condo to finish up our mini-vacation.
Chase giving Julia kisses while we were at the Park City condo
Later on we stopped by Jordanelle since it was so close to where we were staying. We were surprised to find water rather than ice, especially since Deer Creek was still frozen and Jordanelle is higher in elevation than Deer Creek. You can't tell from these pictures but the snow was still several feet deep there.

Chase and I opted to stay in the warm car while everyone else went down by the water.
It was a fun and relaxing weekend, and I'm so glad we were able to go.