Sunday, November 25, 2007


On Thursday we had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at John and Ange's house, but I forgot to take pictures. So here's what I took at the Saturday Salt Lake dinner (sorry I didn't take more!):
This was the same day as the BYU/Utah game so the kids wore their BYU attire, and I didn't even suggest it!

Some cute turkey cookies that Ethan made, but he didn't want to be in the picture.

And some fun Fall pictures from our backyard:

We're off to Costa Rica on Wednesday, Mel is staying here with the kids (THANK YOU!!), so we'll update with more pictures when we're back!


Malinovka said...

Your Thanksgiving pics look so YUMMY--I was missing our traditional Hendriksen feast... And I want a close-up photo of the cute turkeys! They look so fun to make. Have a GREAT trip to Costa Rica! Can't wait to see the pics!

Happy Wanderers said...

Costa Rica!??!?!?! No fair!! How fun!
I miss Thanksgiving dinners, too. You know, I've never been to a Hendriksen family Thanksgiving feast! Hmmm...I wonder why not? I've been to Memorial Day things, and a family reunion or two, and other festive things, but never Thanksgiving. Hmmm. Kristen and Mellie look so OLD! :P So do Ethan and Julia! Good grief!!