Yes, I'm a few days late but I'm at least trying to catch up on all the Christmas happenings around here even though I never got caught up on the rest of the year.
Chase has thoroughly enjoyed his first Christmas!
He loved his first taste of a candy cane.

And he loved pulling the ornaments off of the tree.

At our Ward Christmas party we were worried that he may not enjoy sitting on Santa's lap by himself so Julia held him and sat on Santa's lap. He didn't mind that so much.

We all enjoyed visiting
the Riverwoods. They had free carriage rides before Christmas!
waiting in line
going on a carriage ride
on the carriage
Here's everyone ready to get off of the carriage

The holiday lights and "North Pole" area were really fun.

We had to visit the Blickenstaff's Toy store.
It had tons of fun stuff, and lots of candy too...

There are several fire pits in case you need a place to warm up.

There was even a live band there that night, playing Christmas music.

We'll definitely have to make this one of our yearly stops at Christmas time!
Earlier this month we weren't sure whether or not we would have a white Christmas.
After 10 inches of snow on Tuesday
I thought there was no way it could all melt before Christmas.
But then it rained and rained.
And it washed away most of the snow.
At least there was a tiny bit left on Christmas.
our front yard Tuesday morning
My Dad's side of the family has a tradition
of the women getting together each year
for an ornament exchange.
We haven't done it the past few years
so this year my sisters and I
decided to have our own.
The kids had a great time!
Daphne giving Chase hugs

The kids especially loved making gingerbread houses with Grandma.

Chase and Megan
Sadly by the time we were able to make ornaments (while the kids watched a Christmas movie downstairs) I had put the camera away and forgot to pull it out again. I'll have to get some pictures of the
cute ornaments that we made though.

On Christmas Eve we attended our annual family Christmas party in Salt Lake.
I wish I had taken more pictures!
We had our usual dinner of soup and bread,
with salads and desserts of course.
There was a candy cane pinata
and Julia was the one who ended up breaking it.
I wish I had gotten a picture!

After the party was winding down we changed Chase into his snowman pjs
and headed to Temple Square (also a tradition).``

Sometimes we are the only ones there
(probably when it's freezing cold)
but this night it was really crowded.

Do you see what Chase got for Christmas Eve?
His first tooth!

It was much milder than some years
but it was still pretty cold.

Chase was so tired
and was super fussy.

But it was important for the kids to visit the nativity show, and remember the true meaning of Christmas.

Some of my siblings and my parents even came with us this time!

It was beautiful, and we were glad that we went.
(Though it would have been nice if Chase had slept in the car on the way home instead of screaming the whole way.)

Ethan and Julia got up at 8:30 on Christmas morning.
Chase got up at 5:30 and wouldn't go back to sleep until 7:00,
I guess he was ready for Christmas to begin early.

Ethan and Julia helped him open some gifts, and opened others for him.
He did learn to rip the paper.

He also learned that there were lots of fun things to play with everywhere.
Including Ethan and Julia's gifts.
But the boxes were pretty fun too.

After we opened gifts at our house we took
breakfast to my parents' house and ate there and then opened more gifts.
We came back for the afternoon and went back for dinner.
ready for dinner!
but Chase was a little more interested in the dishwasher
Tamara, Megan, and Rebekah
Andrew, Char, and Daphne
Kristen, Charlotte, Sharisse, Daphne (I love the expression on her face!), Tamara, and Melodie
And this time I got at least a couple of pictures with the grown-ups, and not just the kids.