Thursday, March 20, 2008

Julia's new hair

Julia has been asking for a very long time now to get her hair cut. I loved it long, but it was always getting food (or toothpaste) in it, and always getting tangled. So on Tuesday we went to Evan's and she got her hair cut! We originally told them to cut 4 inches off, I think they cut more than that but her hair does look very cute short.
This is the before picture, you can kind of see how long her hair is here.

And here is her new hair!


Esther Noelle said...

Rosie she is such a cutie! I love her haircut and I love her using a ring sling with her bear!!!! What a good example you've been for her! :)

Happy Wanderers said...

What a cute haircut!! Just be grateful it's not as short as Claire's! Ha!!

Kristen said...

I love your new background! So cute. Julia's hair is also very cute short. I love it.