Wednesday, May 14, 2008

New booster seat law

Yesterday Julia had a friend over after school. When we took her home I told her that she had to sit in a booster seat on the way to her house, she told me that she didn't have to. I explained to her that there was a new law that says kids under 8 have to ride in a booster seat. She exclaimed, in a voice that was less than quiet, "Well my mom didn't say it so it's not true!!" Yes, sorry Shayley but it is true, kids (in Utah) are now required to ride in a booster seat until they turn 8. More info can be found here.

1 comment:

Happy Wanderers said...

ha! I don't think people here even know that car seats even exist, let alone that kids should be sitting in them!! Which is funny, because driving here is just so much more dangerous and crazy than the states....