Monday, November 10, 2008


By Brenda...

I am: a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a chauffeur, a cook, etc.

I want: my house to stay clean, it doesn't happen for long

I have: a wonderful family

I dislike: my children fighting and making messes

I miss: my family that lives out of state

I fear: something happening to one of my family members (illness, etc)

I feel: grateful

I hear: quiet! That is one thing that is wonderful when the kids are in school.

I crave: sweets and chocolate

I cry: when I am frustrated or sad

I usually: am so impatient, and I procrastinate

I search: for missing tamagotchis, shoes, wallets, and anything else my children may have lost

I wonder: about the future

I regret: not spending more time with my kids rather than worrying so much about everything else that needs to get done

I love: my family

I care: about teaching my kids everything they need to know

I worry: about my kids growing up in the world as it is today

I am not: perfect, or even close

I remember: all of the important things-- birthdays, anniversaries, etc

I believe: in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (do you have that song stuck in your head now?)

I dance: with my kids on occasion

I sing: in the shower

I don't always: make my bed

I argue: with my kids when they won't go to bed

I write: blog posts

I win: nothing usually, but I did win some earrings from an etsy giveaway a few weeks ago

I lose: my purse every once in a while, I call my cell phone to find it

I wish: I was a little better at time management and keeping my house uncluttered

I listen: to anyone who wants to talk

I don't understand: why my kids can't remember to flush the toilet (are mine the only ones who do this?)

I can usually be found: on the computer or making jewelry

I need: to start Christmas shopping

I forget: anything that I haven't written on my calendar

I am happy: when my house is clean and my kids are not fighting

I tag: Christy, Charlotte, Kristen, Emily, and Robyn

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